You know its Fall when…

October 19, 2009 Comments off

These crazy orange lady bugs invade through every opening in your home!

Asian Lady Beetle on my ceiling

These little critters drive me crazy.
Yesterday there wasn’t a trace of them, today I come home and there are already thousands of dead ones on the front porch.
I remember when there used to be RED lady bugs. These orange ones were apparently imported by some dopes in Washington to help with aphids.

And they bite!

Categories: Environ-mental

Stimulus not stimulating

October 16, 2009 1 comment

It seems the economic acumen of Obama and the Democrats isn’t what they claimed during the election.
That or they’re just reckless.
Or both.

‘Barackie Madoff’ rescue nothing but a $16B rip-off

The Obama administration boasted yesterday that with $16 billion taken from you and given to others, 30,383 working Americans owe a hearty thanks of gratitude for their jobs.

‘Stim’ out of steam

Nationally, 30,000 jobs were created by $16 billion in contracts.

I can’t wait to vote these bums out. Unfortunately the damage is already done.

Ponder this quote

October 15, 2009 1 comment

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.

Thomas Jefferson

Categories: Politics Tags: ,

Most Illogical

October 12, 2009 Comments off

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) is the new champion of the left and torch bearer for the public option in the new Healthcare reform fiasco coming out of Washington. Listen to his sound arguments

America cannot wait any longer; we’re losing 44,789 Americans, who die every single year because they have no health insurance. That’s 122 every single day. We have to move ahead to save these American lives, and we have to move now.

I won’t comment on weather he is the next Bob Dylan or Shakespeare, but his logic is about as sound as a belch.

44,789 (very specific numbers) Americans die because they have no health insurance. I wonder if the CDC is tracking “no health insurance” as a cause of death now? It must be right up their with heart disease and cancer. This is just stupid. Thousands of people die every year that HAVE health insurance. Health insurance doesn’t cure you or operate on you, or heal you in any way. Doctors do that.

And he has the nerve to call Republicans Neanderthals?
Grayson is a moron.

Categories: Politics

Comedy Gold

October 12, 2009 Comments off

Obama fails to win Nobel prize in economics

The president has worked tirelessly since even before his inauguration to wrest control of the U.S. economy from failed free markets, and the evil CEOs who profit from them, and to turn it over to wise, fair and benevolent bureaucrats.

At least it wasn’t Paul Krugman this time.

Categories: Economics, Funny, Politics

Nukes for Peace

October 12, 2009 Comments off

I refrained from commenting on Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. (Does this make him the Prince of Peace now as well?) But I like how this David Von Drehle fella thinks. We should award the peace prize to nuclear weapons.


Humanity hasn’t changed its blood thirsty ways in the last 64 years, there are still wars, but the big players have too much to lose in a nuclear exchange. We don’t want to risk wiping each other out – hence the Cold War.

Outlawing all nukes will just give us an excuse to start killing each other again.

Categories: Politics

Home Security

October 10, 2009 2 comments

Saw a commercial about Brinks Broadview Home Security System and how you can save 20% on your home owners insurance after installing their system. So at $155 for installation and then $32 a month for the monitoring service, I can save $20 a month on my insurance. I’m out $299 for the year, but I can have more piece of mind.

I wonder if my home owners insurance company will give me 20% off for providing my own security in the form of a G U N?

.22 rifle

Doubt it. But at least when I grab my kid and run upstairs (like in the commercial) I wouldn’t be cowering in the closet or waiting for Brinks to call and make sure everything is OK while the perp is breaking down the door. I would be defending my castle and preventing a robbery. No claims for insurance to pay. Maybe I should ask my agent.

Categories: Security

The Mess Made By Illinois Government

October 7, 2009 Comments off

Comptroller: State Finances A Mounting Crisis

As in the lives of regular people, when you get in debt you need to work your way out of it. Otherwise the debt will grow into an uncontrollable monstrosity.

Its way past time for governments to start sacrificing and actually cut spending.

Categories: Politics

Link Barrage

October 6, 2009 Comments off

Haven’t made a post in a couple of days, but here are some links I wanted to write about today.

U.N. and Obama Back Limits On Free Speech – Simply stunning
US funds dry up for Iran rights watchdog – More kowtowing to the Mullahs
The demise of the dollar – With friends like ours, who needs enemies
Is SNL right that Obama’s accomplished ‘nothing’? – Yeah, I think you just proved them right
Plasma Rocket to Mars in 39 days – Woot! Lets go!
Small backyard chicken coop – I need to build a coop, but these chickens need space. Somebody call PETA!

Categories: Homesteading, Politics, Space

Consistently Bad Ribs

October 3, 2009 2 comments

Participated in a rib cook-off today and lost … again.

3 times, 3 loses. Never even in the top 3. 7th out of 9 this year and it was a low turnout.

I think I need to enter a pizza cook-off instead, or chicken nuggets.

My cousin won this year. They host it and this is his first year (out of 5) to win. I must admit, his were better than mine.

Categories: Cooking