
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

You Lie!

September 9, 2009 Comments off

Obama heckled in his speech tonight.

Ho boy! Calling the President a liar during an address to Congress and the nation, WOW!

Check out the looks on the faces of Pelosi and Biden. Classic.

I guess the truth hurts.

This guy better watch out, he is now public enemy #1.

Categories: Politics

Return to the Moon isn’t “viable”

September 9, 2009 Comments off

So says a report from a White House panel of independent experts.

the moon

I used to be excited about the times we live in, but man, if there isn’t a conspiracy to kill all of my childhood dreams then I don’t know what else is going on.

Yes, NASA stinks and yes, the country is broke. But dog-gone-it Barack, I want to go back to the Moon! Make it happen! YES WE CAN? …
Read more…

Categories: Politics, Rant, Space

President’s Speech to Students Tomorrow

September 7, 2009 2 comments

You can find Pres. Obama’s speech he is giving to our kids tomorrow over at Fox News.

It seems pretty harmless, but he sure does talk about himself a lot.
If they just would have come out with the text of the speech last week and not had that stupid prepared questionnaire “…How can you help President Obama…” then this would have been no big deal.

How long is it going to take these amateurs to figure out how to govern with out miffing half the population?

Categories: Politics

Good Illustration

September 6, 2009 Comments off

We hear about our government spending billions here and billions there, and now we’re hearing about trillions.
But what is a trillion dollars?

This site gives a good illustration of what a trillion dollars really is: What does one trillion dollars look like?

Categories: Politics

Van Jones out

September 6, 2009 1 comment

Obama is human! The first real casualty of the Obama administration is Van Jones, the green energy “czar”.

The man was a radical – even more so than his boss – this resignation is a very good thing.

But enough about politics.

Categories: Politics